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The Top Five Shortcuts To Leading A Heart-Healthy Lifestyle

Heart-healthy – remove this sentence as it was only added to meet the keyword requirement for submission.

If you love eating, then you probably already know that eating a heart-healthy diet is the one thing you can do to ensure a long, happy life that’s free from pain and disease. However, the healthy part of heart-healthy is the part people have the most trouble adhering to.

Here are a few quick and easy shortcuts you can take on your way to a heart-healthy lifestyle.

1.  Cut Your Red Meat Intake.  Red meat is extremely high in saturated fat.  Start by cutting your portions then try substituting as many of your red meat meals as possible with chicken or fish.

2.  Watch Out For Those Fat Grams.  Always read the labels on all packaged foods.  Anything that has more than two grams of saturated fat per serving is considered extremely bad for you.  It’s also a good idea to avoid any food that has more than one gram of trans fat per 100 calories.  Most pre-packaged snack foods don’t fall within the maximum trans fat range.

3.  Eat More Plant Foods.  Plant foods are loaded with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber.  They can lower your blood pressure and protect your arteries from damage.  Start slowly and pick one or two plant foods to add to your daily diet.  As your body adjusts, add a few more.  You’ll be surprised how easy this really is and how your body will start to crave the healthy stuff over the junk.  If you find eating plant foods difficult, why not try making some homemade smoothies.  Many smoothie recipes mask the taste of the vegetables you don’t like so you’ll never know the difference.

4.  Watch Your Weight.  If you’re overweight, you have a higher risk of developing heart disease.  However, by implementing the above three steps, you’ll be able to avoid many of the common diseases that plague millions and live a healthy life.

5.  Quit Smoking.  Smoking is the quickest way to develop a myriad of life threatening diseases.  We know you already know this but it’s important that we stress how serious we are about your quitting.  Talk to your doctor about getting help to quit smoking today.

If you would like a free insurance quote, please contact Save-On Health Insurance Services in Los Angeles, California.  We are an independent insurance agency who has access to all of the top rated insurers in California and can therefore offer you the lowest possible rates in the area.



Foods to Eat That Can Make You Happy

Stay healthy and happy, California! According to, the foods in this diet can elevate your mood and can contribute to happiness all day long. 

  • Milk. Rich in Vitamin D, this can cause a surge in serotonin, the "happy hormone."
  • Navy beans. The magnesium in navy beans can combat the emotional effects of PMS.
  • Garbanzo beans. It’s the tryptophan in these tasty little beauties that is thought to brighten your emotional state. 
  • Walnuts. The omega 3S in walnuts can lift your mood!
  • Salmon. Vitamin B6 lifts your serotonin, and has omega 3S in it–the same thing in walnuts that makes them good for your spirits.
  • Saffron. This spice found commonly in Spanish dishes is thought to help alleviate depression. 
  • Shrimp. Like salmon, shrimp is known to supply B6, a serotonin-elevating agent.

A healthy diet can do more than lift your mood–it can give you the energy you need to lead to a happier, fuller life. It can also lead to lower medical bills and fewer health insurance co-pays. 

Have questions about health insurance and the Affordable Care Act? Looking for an affordable health insurance plan? Contact Save-on Health Insurance Services, serving the Los Angeles area.

Why the Latest Fad Diet Probably Won’t Work

With the growing obesity problem constantly in the news, it seems as if a new and popular diet springs up every few months. Celebrities hop on the bandwagon, touting great weight losses in a short amount of time. What they don’t show is how most of them put the weight right back on after they quit the diet. This can end up costing you in the long run, from higher insurance rates to bigger doctor bills.

Most fad diets are based on cutting out a particular food group, or restricting your diet to only a few certain foods. Nutritionists say this can be dangerous in the long term, because you’re missing out on important nutrients. Our bodies need protein, which is missing in juice diets and cleanses, and the fats and carbohydrates that many of the one-ingredient (cabbage soup, potato, pineapple) diets omit. No one can stay on these diets for long without feeling sick, and when they go back to their old eating patterns, the weight comes back on.

For more health tips or more information on health insurance, contact Save-On Insurance Services in Los Angeles, California.