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I’m Young. Do I Need Life Insurance?

You’re young and in the best health of your life. Do you really need life insurance? For adults in their twenties and thirties, life insurance is probably far from their mind. What many people fail to understand; however, is that life insurance can come in handy in the event of unexpected circumstances. There are several situations in which you may want to consider getting life insurance.

If you have parents, siblings or relatives that depend on your income, life insurance is essential. While you may not consider these people as your dependents, they depend on you as the sole earner. Life insurance is also important if you have a partner, spouse or children who depend on your income. Life insurance policies can also provide mortgage protection and can give you and your partner peace of mind.

In the event that you pass unexpectedly, life insurance will provide the financial means to allow your family time to grieve without worrying about finances. Money can also be set aside for funeral expenses and burial costs. It’s important to understand that life insurance is affordable, especially if you are young and healthy when you acquire it.

For more information about life insurance in California, please contact Save-On Health Insurance Services, located in Los Angeles.